This Thing Called Life

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Sometimes life gets you down. It seems like everything that can go wrong does, one right after the other. Yes, these times are tough but you’ve got to pick up the pieces and push through. Pushing through until it works in your favor is easier said than done. I’m well aware but hopefully some of this below will help someone take that next step. No matter how impossible it may seem. 

1. Take a deep breath. Whatever it is that knocked you down may still be hanging around. That’s normal, you’ve got to take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves a bit.

2. Who do you need to push through adversity? Do you need the help of friends, family, therapists? Or are you going solo and beating that thing down yourself with some prayer and affirmations? Whichever avenue you take, let those people know you may need some help to get through this tough time. This allows them to be prepared if you do need support and they can hold space for you. 

3. What is your immediate next move? What do you need to get done that’ll motivate you to keep going? Now this is different for everyone. Some may need a nap or a quick shower to rejuvenate themselves. Someone else may need to clean out a random drawer to feel accomplished or listen to a podcast to get the momentum going with a larger project. Whatever that next move looks like for you, embrace it. No next move is the same and that is okay. 

4. When will you be past the toughest part? That is a tough question to answer. To be honest the worst part may be now or life may throw something else your way. However, it is your decision as to whether or not you let this thing take you out. YOU have to decide to keep pushing through and striving to the next move.

5. Where do you see yourself after this adversity? With stronger belief in yourself? A better friend, parent, or child? Are you more aware of your emotions? Or better equipped for them next time life tries to take you out? Write this down and hang it somewhere you will see it everyday. This alone can help motivate someone to cross that finish line and keep pushing through the muck of a storm. 

You’ve got this! take it one day at a time and you’ll get through this adverse season in life. It may take some tears, prayers, or outside help. But know that at the end of it all, you’ll be stronger than before and life will be that much more worth living. 


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